10 Signs You Need A Professional Interior Designer
We are all busy with our daily lives from the demands of work, family, friends, travel, and we often forget to really take care of ourselves or our home. If you get home and you start to look around your home wondering if you can do better for your space then you probably need help from a professional interior designer. Check these top ten signs you are in need of a professional interior designer.
Scandinavian style home office. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#1 - You have an unused space
Do you have a room that you don't use it often lately or has become a giant "junk drawer" for the stuff you don't know where to put? It's time to think about how you can utilize that space for something useful? You could use this unused space for a new office space or playroom if you have young kids, or potentially a sitting room. It's important that every space in your house has some purpose and if you're not sure what to do with it, get a professional opinion.
Modern living room. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#2 - Your living room still has furniture from college
And you are not in college anymore. It's time to get some grown-up furniture that can last you for years. It's amazing how some decent quality furniture and some styling can make you feel more established and successful; it's a reflection of you.
Coastal style kid bedroom. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#3 - Your children are not so little anymore
Once your child is no longer a toddler - you will need to update your child's bedroom so that it can last for the next decade until they become a teenager and will probably need another update to reflect their changing maturity. Be careful of some themes as they can be limiting in terms of reflecting your child and their changing needs and hobbies.
Bohemian style bedroom. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#4 - Your primary bedroom needs some love
I totally get that the primary bedroom is often the last room to think about to invest in because many people only use this space for only sleeping and getting ready for the day. Come on, your primary bedroom deserves some love from you too. You deserve a nice primary bedroom to be a great retreat and a calming space for you and maybe you'd spend more time there.
Stylish storage organization design. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#5 - You are having a storage crisis
Who doesn't need more storage? The answer is not always more furniture because while that might get rid of the mess it can still create a claustrophobic space. As we get older we accumulate more things (especially with children). An interior designer will help you either downsize your lifestyle or improve the room look while still provide an additional storage space for your needs.
Eclectic kitchen. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#6 - Does your kitchen or bathroom look outdated?
When is the last time you update your kitchen or bathroom? Retro doesn't really mean that oven is actually from the 70's. If it has been ages since you've done it - that means it is time to upgrade it. Keep in mind, a kitchen or bathroom remodel will help increase your home value the most so you would get some return on your investment.
Contemporary style dining room. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#7 - The New You
Your life has changed and so too has your style. You want...no, you need....a new space to reflect the new you and a designer can help you achieve that.
Scandinavian bookshelves. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#8 - Got clutter?
A cluttered home leads to a chaotic mind and stressful life. Have a professional help you figure out your priorities and how best to display with pride your collection of salt and pepper shakers while still being stylish.
Transitional style living room. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#9 - Downsizing your home but not sure how to do it?
Your children are now gone and you've got a lot of extra space you have no use for. You may be needing a smaller home to fit a simpler lifestyle, but you've still got a lot of "stuff". Get an interior designer that can help you find a home and space that is right for the new you.
Coastal style sunroom. Image created using AI via Imagine.
#10 - You move into a new home.
I totally get that you're excited about a new home but overwhelmed at the same time about where to start because you have a lot of boxes and furniture that maybe was a perfect fit for your old space and now it's a tetris puzzle to make it work in your new space. An interior designer will help you to stay focus on the priorities that will work with your budget to make your new home a home just for you and your family.
If you recognize any signs as mentioned above then it's time to hire a professional interior designer to work with you on your home project.