Ask Joshua - What to do with an outgrown playroom?
Hi Joshua,
Here is the situation - I have three children but one of them is already a teenager and other two are about to become tweens soon. We have a playroom which my kids used for years when they were younger. Now they are getting older and no longer use this space as the playroom. I don’t really know what to do with this wasted room. We already have a living room, family room, dining room, and home office. I’m at the loss. Please help!
Amy - Irvine, California
California casual style teen lounge designed by Joshua Jones, JJones Design Co.
Hi Amy,
I totally understand the challenge with what to do with a space that is no longer useful for your family. I have an idea for you - you could turn what was once a kid’s playroom into a teenager lounge. It can still be a place to “play” in the sense of a space to hang out in a space that’s designed for their tastes. It might encourage your teens to hang out together instead of isolated in their individual rooms. Depending on the room size, you can put a sofa or small sectional with a couple of lounge chairs. Add some activities like a dartboard, a TV to allow them to play video games, and space for board games. If you need help to design a teen lounge, we can help you with that by starting your project here.
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