In the last few years, I’ve followed the One Room Challenge events and love seeing so many talented interior designers transform their spaces into something gorgeous! I’ve been wanting to participle for a while but the timing wasn’t right until now. I’m excited to announce that I’m participating in the One Room Challenge as a guest participant!! I’ll elaborate below on the project I chose to take on.
For anyone not familiar with the One Room Challenge, the event was created by home blogger, Linda, at Calling It Home in partnership with Better Homes & Gardens. During 8 weeks, a group of over 200 guests and 20 featured bloggers will take the challenge to transform one room in their own home and share the progress each week on social media.
Before discussing my own ORC project, I’d like to introduce myself for new reads and followers. I’m Joshua Jones, an online interior designer and founder of JJones Design Co. I’ve been working in the e-design industry for over six years nationally and internationally. If you’d like to learn more about me and my background - you can read a bit more here.
Okay, so my ORC project is our small dining room. Here’s the situation. We moved to San Francisco from Vancouver, BC in Canada late last September. Our large rectangle dining table was great for our old place, but you know how it is; a new place and your furniture doesn’t quite fit….especially true for apartments. We lived with it for a while since it wasn’t a high priority after initially moving, but it was a squeeze to get past it into the kitchen. The ORC was a perfect excuse to convince my other half that we needed a more functional (and beautiful) dining table.
The other main issue with the room other than the table was quite a bit of wall damage from the prior tenants. You can’t really see it in this picture, but the repairs had been poorly done and drove me crazy. A fresh coat of quality paint would fix that issue and our landlord gave us permission to paint.
The drapes. You can see for yourself. Sad.
And lastly, the light fixture was bad….just plain generic apartment bad…. and didn’t create enough lighting for the space. Don’t get me wrong…we have a lovely landlord in a well maintained small building in San Francisco and the unit oozes charm and coziness. The lights do not have any charm. I needed to replace the light fixture with a chandelier to help brighten and style up space. Of course, being an apartment, I’ll switch it back to the original light fixture when we move out of our apartment one day.
This is the mood board for our dining room project. We decided to call our dining room a “Surprise Room” because the rest of our apartment is in neutral colors and when you round the corner into the dining room you get hit with a bold paint choice in Midnight Navy by Benjamin Moore. Window treatment refresh. A new dining table; round and seating four comfortably. A gallery wall to add some personal touch. We wanted a sputnik style chandelier with a nod to Mid-Century Modern Glam. Lastly, we must have some live plants for this space and hope the cats don’t go for them.
3D renderings of the dining room
This is a 3D rendering of our dining room (minus a tablescape) to give a vision of the finished project. Mood boards are great, but I love a good 3D render and am known for them. Stay tuned for the next 7 weeks of blog posts to see updated progress on our dining room project!
You can stay updated by following our Instagram and Facebook page or just coming back to our website every Thursday. Please visit our fellow participants by going to One Room Challenge Blog to see other exciting projects!