Meet Our Jack
I’m excited to share with you about a new addition to our family, that a little over month and a half ago, Jeffry and I adopted a two year old rescue dog named Jack; a Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua mix. He is such a great dog and we bonded immediately after we met and brought him home. I want to share the story of his adoption process and our adventures.
Jack loves to be tucked in with a blanket.
Jeffry and I have had cats for many years and I’ve really missed having a dog in my life, as I usually had dogs growing up as a child. Though I’ve wanted a dog for a while now, the timing just wasn’t right due to pet limitations in our rentals and some of our previous apartments just weren’t a great place to have a dog. Now we’re living in a good size rental home with plenty of space and sadly our beloved cat, Sasha, passed away last December. That left us with a single cat, Griffin. We waited for a while after grieving for Sasha and needed some time before we were ready to accept a new family member. When we decided we were ready to start looking, we wanted to adopt a rescue dog. All of our pets have been from shelters and there are so many sweet dogs that deserve better lives. We researched quite a bit online, looking at online doggy profiles, to find something we thought would be a good match and we could “swipe right” for. Jeffry found Jack via a local non-profit organization called Dog Gone Seattle. After reviewing his info and looking at his adorable pictures, we started the application process, which was quite lengthy! We were approved for a meet and greet and had the chance to meet him with at his foster home. At first, he was shy with us, we think he may have had some previous trauma regarding males, but he warmed up just a few moments later and we clicked. Just a few days later, we were approved for adoption and welcomed him to our home.
The day we brought Jack home. This is our first selfie shot with Jack.
I want to share that I’m really impressed with the Dog Gone Seattle organization and our experience with them. I love the fact that they don’t put dogs in cages by placing all their animals in foster homes and do everything in their power to rescue dogs from kill-shelter situations. They give time to evaluate the pup prior to advertising their availability for adoption and I felt that the dog behavior and “fit” information they provided was very honest. It was very evident how much compassion this organization has for their rescues to ensure they’ll be placed in the right home. Jack was rescued from a kill-shelter in the San Bernadino area of California by a local women who specializes in rescuing small dogs. Unfortunately her home situation changed before she was able to find a home for Jack and, luckily for us, she reached out to other rescue organizations and Dog Gone Seattle stepped in to take him and foster him until he was ready for adoption.
Jack loves to have his belly rubbed.
Jack loves to sit with us when we watch TV.
I’m not going to lie that we did face some challenges after we initially brought Jack home. For example, my cat, Griffin, and Jack did have some challenges getting used to each other. It wasn’t bad at all though and it was more with Jack figuring out his fit in our home. It was also Griffin’s first time meeting a dog. Though initially freaked out by this very hyper and energetic creature introduced into his kingdom, both have learned to respect each other’s boundaries. Really it has boiled down to Jack has learned that Griffin will always be the boss no matter what! They will even sit right next to each other and patiently take turns getting treats.
Jack loves Starbucks’ puppuccino (Pup cup).
We are very lucky that Jack is such a well-behaved, sweet, and loving dog. I hope he feels equally grateful that we found each other and have the opportunity to provide him a great life. He LOVES it when we take him to Starbucks so we can treat him to a puppuccino (just whipped cream in a mini cup). We enjoy taking Jack with us to the farmer’s market, parks, sometimes to restaurants with outdoor dining space allowing dogs, and dog-friendly shopping malls. We are so excited for our adventures together for years to come!