Ask Joshua - What should I do with my underutilized front room?
Hi Joshua,
I’m wondering if the empty corner in the front room needs something. I don’t want it to look too full tho. A chair and table ? A white or silver coat tree and tall plant? Lots of people have said curtains. 🤷🏼♀️ If I do curtains will it seem odd that I don’t have curtains on any other main floor windows?
Christy - Omaha, Nebraska
Eclectic style foyer. Image created using AI via Canva
Hi Christy,
I know it is a bit of challenge of what to do with the extra space next to your foyer but I do have some suggestions for you:
- First of all, I agree with your friends that adding some drapery to your large window will improve the look of the space. Don’t worry about not having curtains in the rest of your home; it won’t look odd. Before making any drapery purchases, please take a look at our drapery guidance to prevent any purchase mistakes.
- As for the current extra space near the window - I would recommend getting a pair of accent chairs with a side table between and arrange these between your piano and foyer with the backs of the chairs to the foyer.
- For your problem corner - I would place a tall plant there. It won’t crowd the space and help make the room look complete and cozy.
I’ve selected some items that I think it would look good for your space; 3 options each of chairs, tables, and drapes. I hope you like what I picked for you and good luck finishing your space!
Happy decorating! :)
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