Ask Joshua - How to style a sideboard interior
Hi Joshua,
Recently, our dear friend gave us their beautiful sideboard since it won’t fit in their new home. We love it very much. The situation is that we set the sideboard in our foyer since it fits there great but we have no idea how to decorate the interior of the sideboard because it has glass fronted doors. I know that sideboards are typically meant to go in the dining room. I would appreciate your advice on this.
Thank you,
Susan - Cleveland, Ohio
Sideboard interior styling. Image created using AI via Canva
Hi Susan,
Thank you for coming to ask for design advice on styling the interior of your sideboard. I took a moment to review the picture you shared with us - gorgeous sideboard you have! That is really thoughtful of your friend to gift it to you! :) However, I understand why you think sideboards typically go in the dining room, but that’s not necessary. The sideboard can be used anywhere around the home for storage or help fill up empty space.
Since you’ve placed your sideboard in your foyer, I’d recommend gathering books, small vases, and decorative objects so you can showcase these pieces through the glass doors. If you need more practical storage, use a storage bin or basket so it keeps the view clean and organized. I found a design inspiration photo to show you what your sideboard could look like when it comes to organizing the interior of the sideboard. As far as the top of the sideboard, you’ve already done a great job of that and it looks fantastic! :)
Happy Decorating!
Joshua Jones
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