Step Outside Your Comfort Zone; Wallpaper's Where It's At.
Have you considered using wallpaper to create an accent wall to personalize a space and make a bold statement? I know you may be thinking of an old-fashioned faded floral pattern wallpaper from grandma’s house or some vomit inducing pattern from the 80’s. There are so many more options available today to create depth, texture, interest and intrigue in a space that paint alone cannot achieve that it’s worth talking about!
Eclectic style foyer with wallpapers. Image created using AI via Imagine.
In my early interior design career days, I was working on a few e-design projects that I felt would benefit from wallpaper on one or two walls. At the time, my clients were hesitant to the idea for two very common reasons. 1. Horrible experiences, or hearing horror stories, having to remove old wallpapers that just didn’t work any more and the nightmare of peeling and scraping and dealing with very hard and dried out old glue. I totally get that since I had that nightmare myself as a teenager helping my parents remove old wallpaper from a house we were preparing for sale. It was a lot of work to do that. 2. Even if the process of removal isn’t too terrible, wallpaper just seems so much more permanent compared to paint. It’s not quite so easy to change out than just slapping on a different coat of paint to change up a room.
Well, with development of modern glues and adhesives, wallpaper has never been easier to install, and remove. There are even a lot of quality wallpapers that are peel and stick, even reusable. So, you aren’t stuck with the same pattern for the life of your home if you tire of it, and you aren’t going to be spending days of backbreaking work to remove it. Excuses are gone! So here’s some quick examples of how you can think about using wallpaper in your own space.
Scandinavian style dining room with a bold wallpaper. Image created using AI via Imagine.
Wallpaper Accent Wall
We don’t need to go overboard with wallpaper and cover every wall in your room. We can do just one or two accent walls that are covered by the wallpaper just like this picture above. It helps draw you into the room, starts a conversation, or tells a story of the space!
Eclectic living room with bold wallpaper statement. Image created using AI via Imagine.
Textured Wallpaper
Not a big fan of patterned wallpaper? No problem! Pick a solid color wallpaper with texture to give a space some potential depth, warmth, and feeling. There is plenty of types of textures such as woven, leaves, 3D patterns, lattices, and many more!
Contemporary style bedroom with leaves wallpaper. Image created using AI via Imagine.
Go Big with Wallpaper Pattern
If you really want to add character to your room - choose a bold pattern to create a wow-factor in your space. This goes a long way if you're trying to achieve a themed look like “Jungle Room” or “World Traveler Den” or evoke a mood more subtle such as creating a whimsical space. You can go either safe or wild with the wallpaper pattern that reflects your personality.
Transitional shelves with wallpaper on the backwall. Image created using AI via Canva
Improving Built-in Shelving with Wallpaper
If you feel that your built-in shelves are too bland or boring, you can add wallpaper on the back wall. It can help your accessories on the shelves stand out by introducing a level of texture or pattern to complement them. If your shelves are a bit cluttered and full of items, go with a solid color textured wallpaper to not overpower your collection of personal items that already tell a story. If you tend toward the minimal look on your shelves, adding a patterned wallpaper can be appropriate and a lot of fun without clashing.
If pulling the shelving off the wall is not an option, I would recommend stick and peel wallpaper so it would be easier for you to install it on your own.
Modern farmhouse style staircase with wallpaper on risers. Image created using AI via Canva
Adding Wallpaper Details to Some Parts of your Home
You would be amazed how much wallpaper can do for us than just using it on walls! It can be used to cover stair risers as in the the picture above, cover appliances, cabinet doors, backsplashes, furniture, binders in your office, etc. There’s a lot of creative uses for wallpaper for those that are crafty.
The bottom line is don’t be afraid of wallpaper and have some fun with it. There are so many options available from retail off-the-shelf selections to boutique designer prints, I guarantee you will find options that speak to you!